Using the one-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation code, we have studied the generation and redshift of harmonics from overcritical plasma layer irradiated by ultrashort intense laser pulses. 用一维粒子模拟程序研究了超短脉冲强激光与超临界密度等离子体平板作用产生的高次谐波。
The Propagation Characteristic of Oblique Incident Plane Electromagnetic Waves through Re-entry Plasma Sheath Layer 再入等离子体鞘层中斜入射平面电磁波的传播特性
Numerical analysis about effects of cold plasma layer on instabilities in Tokamak devices 托卡马克中冷等离子体层对MHD不稳定性影响的数值分析
The Frequency Characteristics of the Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic waves in a Homogeneous Plasma Layer 电磁波在均匀等离子体层上的反射系数和透射系数频率特性的研究
An analysis of the pattern of longitudinal slot antenna on the metal cylinder covered with a high collision plasma layer 高碰撞等离子体覆盖金属圆柱纵槽天线方向图分析
The carbon enrichment in surface region of the plasma alloyed layer is observed for medium and high carbon steels, and the carbide layer is formed. Under the carbide layer, the contents of W and Mo decrease sharply, but the content of Co decreases slowly. 对于中、高碳钢,离子渗金属中,碳原子向表层富集,形成化合物层,当越过渗层中的化合物层时,W、Mo含量锐减,而Co的分布受到的影响较小。
Propagation of electromagnetic waves in inhomogenous and lossy Reentry Plasma sheath layer 电磁波在非均匀有损耗再入等离子鞘层中的传播
Studies on Power Absorption of High Frequency Electromagnetic Waves in Partially Ionized Plasma Layer under Atmosphere Conditions 高频电磁波在大气等离子体层中的传播和吸收的研究
The experimental results showed that the capillaries were constricted, RBCs velocity, blood flow rate, thickness of plasma layer and RBCs deformation decreased, but the hematocrit of the capillary increased after exhaustive swimming. 结果发现:力竭性运动引发微循环障碍,使毛细血管收缩,红细胞流速降低,血流量减少,血浆层厚度减小,红细胞变形性降低,毛细血管红细胞压积升高。
The analysis demonstrates that the existence of the plasma layer may obviously increase the modulus of pulsatile flow, but hardly change the phase of pulsatile flow. 分析表明,在小血管中血浆层的存在可以明显改变脉动血流量的峰值,但几乎不改变血流量的相位。
The Influence of a Plasma Layer on Pulsatile Flow in Small Arteries 血浆层对小血管中脉动流的影响
The distortion of FM pulse wave propagation in homogeneous plasma layer 调频脉冲通过均匀等离子体层产生的畸变
The Waveform Distortion of Pulse Signal Reflected from a Moving Plasma Layer 脉冲信号在运动等离子体层上反射波形的畸变
Analysis of Oscillatory Flow in Consideration of a Plasma Layer in Arterial Stenoses 计及血浆层的局部狭窄血管内血液脉动流分析
Influences of a plasma layer on vessel wall shear stress and wall shear stress gradient 血浆层对血管壁剪应力和剪应力梯度的影响
The electron density hardly changes because there is no light pressure acting on the plasma layer when the plasma layer is opaque. 当等离子体透明时,几乎没有光压作用在等离子体上,因此电子密度几乎不变。
The Research on the Abrasive Wear-resisting Property of the Plasma Spray Layer of WC/ Ni60 WC/Ni60等离子喷涂层的耐磨粒磨损特性研究
As a mixture of the active species · OH, · H, H2O2 and H2O+ gas diffused out of the primary zone that was called plasma layer and into the bulk electrolyte, they could interact among themselves and with any active substrate in the solution. 这些活性组分的混合物进入本体溶液,它们可以相互反应产生H2O2或与溶液中底物发生反应。
The cracks maybe occured firstly in the diffusion layer of the plasma nitrided layer in erosion damage. 离子渗氮层在冲蚀破坏中可能首先在过渡层产生裂纹。
The CPU time saving by several times and accuracy of the method are confirmed by computing the reflection and transmission through a magnetized plasma layer, with the direction of propagation parallel to the direction of the biasing field. 通过计算磁化等离子体平板对平行于磁场传播的电磁波的反射和透射系数,验证了该算法的精度与JEC算法基本相同,而计算效率提高数倍。
The study on the plasma nitrided layer in erosion and its mechanism 离子渗氮层的冲蚀及破坏机理的研究
Analysis of elements in the rare earth plasma nitrided layer by glow discharge optical emission spectrometry 用辉光放电光谱技术分析稀土离子氮化层中的元素
Laser Absorption, Reflection and Transmission of a Short Scale Length Plasma Layer 激光通过短标尺长度薄层等离子体时的吸收、反射与透射
Experimental study on crystallization of dust and dust particles in the RF plasma sheath layer caused a lot of boom in recent years. 关于尘埃结晶以及等离子鞘层中的尘埃颗粒的实验工作近几年引发很多的研究热潮。
Ethylene and silane reacted to generate silicon carbide particles, in the radio-frequency plasma sheath layer the silicon carbide particles formed into the dust clouds and dust voids. 硅烷和乙烯发生反应产生碳化硅尘埃颗粒,在射频等离子体中形成尘埃云及尘埃空洞。
High-power high-speed semiconductor switches RSD ( Reversely Switched Dynistor) is a new solid converter switches based on the principle of controlled plasma layer commutation, can realize the perfect uniform among hundreds of one thousand amperes current, tens of kilovolt high voltage, microsecond nanosecond opening. 超大功率半导体开关RSD(ReverselySwitchedDynistor)是一种基于可控等离子层换流原理的新型固体开关,它能够将数十千伏电压、数百千安电流、微秒甚至纳秒级开通速度三者进行完美结合。
Proposed by Russian scientists in 1980s based on the controllable plasma layer commutation principle, RSD ( reversely switched dynistor) is a kind of new semiconductor switches specially applied to pulsed power area. 反向开关晶体管RSD(ReverselySwitchedDynistor)是20世纪80年代由俄罗斯的科学家基于可控等离子层换流原理率先提出的一种专门应用于脉冲功率领域的新型半导体开关。